Vehicle Decoration / Signage

ProductsVehicle Signage

Vehicle decoration / vehicle signage / vehicle decoration / Full vehicle wraps / vehicle livery / vehicle graphics / vehicle signs refers to all types and forms of vehicle graphics or mobile advertising. Originally referred to as vehicle livery – possibly as a reference to a vehicle being 'dressed up' in an identifiable manner, vehicle signage has moved forward in leaps and bounds with the introduction of digital printing.

Today it is common to see large trucks as mobile billboards that advertise the outlet's wares, or are used to catch attention and advertise specific products. It is almost as common as having a business display it's name, contact details and what the business does on the side of the vehicle.


Get in touch

Should you require more information on any signage products we offer, or if you would like a quotation, please complete your details below and we will get back to you.

    011 440 7524
    011 440 7525
    082 558 6413

    51 2nd Road, Kew, Johannebsurg, 2090

    Monday – Friday 07.30 – 16.30